Services Provided by College

The college begins with a morning assembly every day. Every student is given a chance to address the assembly, starting with “Thought for the Day,”  “Daily News,” followed by the morning assembly address. The student concerned chooses any of the social, cultural, educational, academic, philosophical, or any other topics. Each and every student is given the opportunity to express themselves freely and without hesitation.
LIBRARY Nankana Sahib College of Education, Kot Gangu Rai, Ludhiana, has a well-equipped digitalized library with 6460 books on different subjects, which provides ample opportunity for the students to feed their knowledge as well as self-study. Apart from text books, there are encyclopaedias, national and international journals, research journals, magazines, periodicals, and newspapers to enrich students’s personalities.

TIMINGS OF THE LIBRARY The library remains open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday. The library services are provided for the students around the year by keeping its doors open to the readers.

LIBRARY RULES 1) All the students, teachers, and non-teaching staff members are members of the library.
2) The personal belongings of the readers must be kept at the entrance before entering the library.
3) The librarian may recall any books from the borrower at any time after the issue.
4) There is an overdue charge of Rs. 5 per day on every book beyond the allowed lending period for the first 14 days and Rs. 10 per day on every book for the next 14 days.
5) Members are responsible for any damage caused by them to the books or other property belonging to the library and shall be required to pay the penalty imposed upon them by the librarian.
6) A borrower shall replace a book if it is lost while in custody.
7) In case the borrower fails to replace a lost or damaged book within a month from the due date of its return, he or she shall pay the library the full cost of the book.
8) Reference books, journals, dissertations, etc. shall not be issued.
9) In special cases, the librarian, at his or her discretion, may issue a reference book for a short period of time.
10) The use of mobile phones in the library is prohibited. Phones should either be switched off or set to silent ring mode.
11) Members may give suggestions on the acquisition of books, journals, etc. and on the overall improvement of the library. Complaints, if any, are submitted to the librarian in writing for proper action.
12) For the final examination, the students are privileged to get the books issued on security that are refundable. After getting the no-dues cleared from the library, the students can get the security refund from the library itself.
The Placement Cell plays a crucial role in locating job opportunities for pupil teachers passing out of the college by keeping in touch with reputed schools. The Placement Cell operates round the year to facilitate contacts between aspirant teachers and reputed schools or institutes. The number of students placed through campus interviews is continuously rising. On invitation, many reputed schools visit the institute to conduct interviews.

Objectives of placement cell:-
    • The placement cell provides guidance to the students in selecting the right career.
    • To gain knowledge, improve skills with aptitude tests.
    • Gathering information about job fairs and all relevant recruitment advertisements.
    • Organizing pre-placement training, workshops, and seminars for students.
    • Collecting feedback from employers where our students are selected.
    • To act as a bridge between students, alumni, and the employment community.

  Members of Placement Cell:-
  • Prabhdeep Singh
  • Deepshikha
For the development of holistic personalities in students, a well-balanced curriculum is ensured by the institution. A variety of sports, yoga, and recreational activities form an integral part of the curriculum.

The college has sufficient sports infrastructure for outdoor games (Athletics, Basketball, Volleyball, and Kho-Kho), indoor games (Badminton, Yoga, Table- Tennis), a gym hall (Fitness Apparatus, Yoga Mats), and recreational activities (Carom, Chess, Dat Board, etc.), which are quite interesting and student-friendly. The policy of the college promotes sports-related days, functions, and programmes.

To promote sports participation, physical instructors regularly prepare sports teams to participate in competitions. Yoga and sports camps are organized on the college campus, wherein students democratically participate in a variety of physical exercises, sports, and games. These activities not only develop their physical well-being but also take care of their mental, social, emotional, and spiritual health. The physical education instructor is the mentor and facilitator of all activities.
NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME (N.S.S.) The National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian government-sponsored public service programme conducted by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Gandhiji’s centenary year, 1969. Aimed at developing students’s personalities through community service, NSS is a voluntary association of young people in colleges, universities, and at the +2 level working for a campus-community linkage. MOTTO The motto of NSS is “Not Me but You,”  which reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service. The philosophy of the NSS is well reflected in this motto, which underlines the belief that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of society as a whole, and therefore, the NSS volunteers shall strive for the well-being of society.

The broad objectives of NSS are to:
  1. Understand the community in which they work.
  2. Understand themselves in relation to their community.
  3. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in the problem-solving process.
  4. Develop among them a sense of social and civic responsibility.
  5. Utilise their knowledge to find practical solutions to individual and community problems.
  6. Develop the competence required for group living and the sharing of responsibilities.
  7. Gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
  8. Acquire leadership qualities and a democratic attitude.
  9. Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters./li>
  10. Practice national integration and social harmony..

The institute has an NSS wing working for the upliftment of society. Various activities are organized from time to time under the NSS Wing. It involves two types of activities: regular activities (120 hours) and the annual special camp (120 hours). All the NSS volunteers who have served NSS for at least 2 years and have performed 240 hours of work under NSS are entitled to a certificate from the university under the signature of the Vice-Chancellor and the Programme Coordinator. NSS Camp is held annually and is usually located in a rural village or a city suburb. Volunteers may be involved in such activities as:
  1. Cleaning
  2. Afforestation
  3. Stage shows or a procession creating awareness of such issues as social problems, education and cleanliness
  4. Awareness Rallies
  5. Inviting doctors for health camps

The red ribbon is a globally recognised symbol for HIV/AIDS awareness. The establishment of Red Ribbon Clubs was an important initiative undertaken by the Government of India to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS and associated myths among the youth and empower them, as per educators. The Red Ribbon Club of Nankana Sahib College of Education, KotGanguRai, came into effect in 2014.

  • Educate youth with correct, concise, and adequate information and heighten their level of awareness about HIV/AIDS, STIs, and other related issues (thus eliminating myths and misconceptions).
  • Enable youth to identify and understand situations of exploitation and abuse.
  • Sensitise the youth regarding the care and support needs of people affected by HIV/AIDS and instill in them the spirit to reduce the stigma and discrimination against them.
  • Create and train among the youth a cadre of peer educators to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS and its prevention in the community.
Remedial instruction aims to improve a skill or ability in each student. Using various techniques, such as more practice or explanation, repeating and clarifying the concepts, and devoting more time to working on the skills, teachers guide each student through the educational process.

  • To motivate and help the academically weaker students realise their weaknesses and improve on their fronts.
  • Improving the academic skills of the students in various subjects.
  • Raising their level of comprehension of basic subjects will make them stronger for further academic work.
  • Strengthens their knowledge, skills, and attitude in various subjects.

A tutorial is the weekly meeting all students have with a tutor and with other groups of students during which the students are expected to talk in depth about their ideas and opinions. Tutorial teaching gives the students the freedom to push them academically and direct their own learning. Equally, tutors are able to monitor the progress of the students closely and help them with any problems with their work at a very early stage.
CLUBS OF THE COLLEGE Various student clubs and societies provide an opportunity to meet a diverse population of people that allows for expanding thinking and interest. It encourages personal development through communication and the exploration of different interests. Clubs and societies are a great way to help develop character and the skills that will benefit students in college, social life, careers, and even in life. Skills like commitment, leadership, effective communication, and being able to work successfully in a group all come from participating in a club or society.
  • Youth Club
  • Social Club
  • Literary Club
  • Religious Club
  • Eco Club
  • Peace Club
A student council is a formal structure through which students in the college are directly involved in the affairs of the college, working in partnership with the management, faculty, and students for the benefit of the college and their fellow students. Every year, a student council is appointed in consultation with management, faculty members, and students. It is the medium through which the students get information about various activities of the college and get involved in them. The entire college gets involved in all the activities and decision-making processes.  

  • To inculcate in students democratic values and governance.
  • To have student representation in the functioning of the college.
  • To provide a medium to solve student grievances.
  • To organize various co-curricular activities.
  • To bring out innovative ideas and practices in a conducive atmosphere.
  • To train students in leadership and decision-making.

  • Head boy
  • Head girl
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • House captains (4)
  • Class representatives (2)

The college student council has to actively cooperate with the management and teachers in executing programmes and maintaining discipline. They have to take on specific duties in organizing events and co-curricular activities.
The grievance and redressal cell of Nankana Sahib College of Education, Kot Gangu Rai, Ludhiana, has a functional grievance and redressal cell to take care of students’s problems and address them patiently and amicably. The committee aims at solving the problems of the students and working on them thoroughly with the help of experts and professionals. The grievance and redressal cell works to find solutions to the problems of the students, like sexual harassment, mental pressure, academic or co-curricular, completion of the syllabus, classroom management, teaching methods, etc. The grievance and redressal office holds meetings regularly to solve the problems of the students.

Objectives of the Grievance Redressal Committee
  • To uphold the dignity of the college by ensuring a strife-free atmosphere in the college through the promotion of cordial student-student relationships and student-teacher relationships, etc.
  • To provide responsive, accountable, and easily accessible machinery for the settlement of grievances and to take measures in the college undertakings to ensure expeditious settlement of grievances of students in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
  • It is to deal with the complex situations in a tactful manner to lessen the condition felt to be oppressive or dissatisfying.
  • Encouraging the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.
  • Advising students of the college to respect the rights and dignity of one another and show the utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises.
  • I am advising all students to refrain from inciting students against other students, teachers, and college administration.
  • I am advising all staff to be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
  • To support those students who have been deprived of the services offered by the college to which they are entitled.
  • To make officials of the college responsive, accountable, and courteous in dealing with the students.
  • To ensure an effective solution to the student’s grievances with an impartial and fair approach.

  • Darshan Singh Bhatti (Secretary)
  • Baljeet Kaur (Principal)
  • Meeta Malhotra (Asst.Prof)
  • Prabhdeep Singh (Asst.Prof.)
  • Priyanka Sharma, 4th Sem (Student Representative)
Himani Rani, 4th Sem (Student Representative)
ANTI-RAGGING CELL: Ragging is strictly prohibited and is a punishable crime under the Indian Panel Code (UGC regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009 under Section 26(1)(g) of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956). The Anti-Ragging Cell works under the supervision of the Anti-Ragging Committee, which continuously visits and supervises places like the college bus, canteen, classrooms, common room for students, seminar hall, and other places of student congregation. The Anti-Ragging Committee will be involved in designing strategies and an action plan for curbing the menace of ragging in the college by adopting an array of activities. Members of the Anti-Ragging Cell: 1) Dr. Baljeet Kaur (Principal) 2) Ms. Gaganpreet Kaur 3) Ms.Deepshikha
WI- FI CAMPUS The entire campus of Nankana Sahib College of Education is Wi-Fi enabled with a high-speed internet connection (BSNL Fibre 5G) to allow students and teachers to access the internet no matter where they are.