Our mission is to provide quality education and to produce excellent teachers to meet the future needs of the country. Our commitment to quality education means not only enabling students to secure jobs. According to their aptitude, which should make them stand for certain eternal values such as truth, honesty, incorruptibility, love for the fellowmen and country, and preservation of family values, love for the fellowmen and country.
The vision of the college isTo shape, sensitise and inculcate in future teachers a desire for excellence combined with the right attitudes, values, and ideologies for disadvantaged learners, and to impart gender-sensitive quality education as per Vision 2025.To facilitate education for rural and financially.To motivate students for excellence in academic, sports, cultural, and co-curricular activities in order to develop a holistic personality.To achieve academic excellence through hard work and dedication.
The objective of the NSCE is to impart the best training to the young, promising minds and to keep them abreast of modernization and globalisation to instill scientific temper, compassion, and love for humanity.To make the students self-confident and self-dependent and strong physically and mentally. To produce skilled, learned, and dedicated teachers committed to the cause of national development and education.To promote quality education keeping in view the present day-to-day needs.To interact with relevant sectors with a view to promoting mutual interaction.
Inculcation of a value system among students. Developing global competencies among the students.Developing a healthy attitude towards the teaching profession to become accountable towards society and the nation as a whole.Creating professional learning communities.